
January 8th meeting

Happy New Year everyone! 

Please don’t forget our meeting tomorrow night (January 8th 7pm sharp).  Please also don’t forget tomorrow night is the voting in for new Board members.  Currently all the Board staff positions are up for election.  I would encourage all members to consider filling a position if you have not done so before, or even if you have many years ago.  The jobs are not difficult and if you are not sure what or how the positions work, there are lots of folks with opinions as to how they do J - like with all things there are always opinions.

The RVFA needs some new blood and its always helpful to get new ideas brewing to keep the group alive.  We have a great community and it would be nice to field some new ideas, thoughts and considerations to launch us into the new Board season.  If I am not mistaken the commitment is for two years but it goes fast when you think about it… you are only here for 11 meetings each year.

Unfortunately… there is the "Rail-road" option… if you are not here to defend yourself – you may find out you are on the Board by default. J this doesn’t always happen, but it has occurred.

Current Board staff Pam – President, Jodi – Treasure, Ernie – Vice Pres, Scott – Secretary, Joel – Financial Secretary are all positions up for re-election (Pam, Jodi, Scott – cannot serve next term)  I am not sure about Joel and Ernie? 

Thanks and if you have any questions or items to add to the agenda please have them to me before end of business today (Wed Jan 7th) 

Scott Thorne

Brett JonesComment